Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Visit to Lucy Chieng Gardens' Open Day

Lucy Chieng Gardens in Campsie is one of Australian Nursing Home Foundation's facilities and is accepting new tenants on today's Open Day. Pictured from left: Mr. & Mrs. Yu, Ada Cheng (GM of ANHF), Monica Chu (Director of ANHF), Wilson, Hugh and Ms. Kwan.

Wilson Demonstrates the Making of Donut Queen

Cooking Demonstration by Hugh Lee - BBQ Pork

Hugh Lee bought a new Portable Convection Oven as pictured and demonstrated his favourite dish......BBQ Pork.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mr. Yake Liu Visits the Club to talk on Chiropractic

A warm welcome to Mr. Yake Liu for making a talk on Chiropractic to our members to better understand our spinal cord.

2010 Ryde Council Volunteer Recognition Award Night

Our Vice President Mrs. Kan received Certificate from Deputy Mayor Roy Maggio for her volunteer services.
Over 10 members of our Club attended the Ceremony and pictured with Deputy Mayor, Roy Maggio and Counciller Justin Li.

Recipients of Ryde Council Volunteer Recognition Nominations

The 2010 Ryde Council Volunteer Recognition Award Presentation Night.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hugh & Wilson Visit Honorary President Mrs. Wong at Castle Hills Nursing Home

Mrs. Wong has moved to Castle Hill Nursing Home for a few months from her Eastwood apartment. She is happily settling down with good neighbours and green surroundings.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

International Nurses Day is also celebrated in the Club

The International Nurses Day is celebrated by our Club Secretary, Wilson Fu and the Cho sisters in the Club with our members.
Kathy Marks (front left 3) from The Independent visits the Club today and joins us in the celebration of Mothers Day

Mothers Day Celebration

The Club celebrates Mothers Day joined by over 50 female members. Special awards were given to The Eldest mother, The Mother with the Most Children and Mothers with their daughter, son or son-in-law in the Club today.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Celebrating 10 Members' Birthday in May

Birthday Party held in Hawk on Second Lawn Bowling Club in Eastwood with 55 attendees