Saturday, November 20, 2010

Westpac Bank Eastwood Branch 100 Years Anniversary

10 members congratulate Westpac Bank at their 100 years anniversary celebration. Pictured with Bank Manager Albert Yun (Left 2), Mayor of Ryde (Left 5) and Ryde MP, Victor Dominello (Right 1)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Celebrating our 19th Anniversary with 250 People

Guests and Members enjoying the Celebration

Committee Members Sworn in by Mayor of Ryde

Cake Cutting by President Hugh Lee, Vice President Mrs. Kan and Mayor of Ryde

Mayor of Ryde Cr. Aetin Etmekdjian Addressed the Function

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Northnor' West Property Sponsors $500 for 19th Anniversary Celebration

Belinda Tran presents $500 cheque to our Club on behalf of Northnor' West Property

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mayor of Ryde City Visits our Stall

We Gladly Involve in the Over 55's EXPO

Federal MP, John Alexander visits our stall.

Mayors/Councillors from Ryde, Hornsby and Parramatta Councils greet our Group for active involvement in this event.

Our Group occupies the best seats in the Over 55 EXPO